Thank you for your interest in Buzzico.
Buzzico is the evolution of a State and Federal oil and gas lease acquisition program S. Buzzi helped develop and fine tune with the R. C. Michael Company in 2005. Bob Michael is a unique geologist, now, with 45 years experience in the Wyoming and Colorado oil fields. His background with the Department of the Interior and hands on, in the field, with Texaco as a well site geologist has given him invaluable insight and personal contacts with the leaders and professionals in the Rocky Mountain oil industry. A graduate of Babson College Business School, S. Buzzi’s background in productivity improvement and cost reduction made him an ideal colleague to handle risk management for R. C. Michael Company’s clients.
R. C. Michael’s decision to transition from active management to more academic pursuits have provided an opportunity for Buzzico to move forward with the advanced lease acquisition program he has developed and refined as economic and technological conditions within the industry have changed in the past few years. R. C. Michael will continue to provide full geological reports and assessments for Buzzico.
As S. Buzzi "followed the money", he discovered that the most successful oil operators since $100 oil’s decline has been in the pursuit of risk mitigated high-grade leases. In simple terms, oil companies are targeting the top 1% of potential leases put up for auction. (our, “in-depth” assessment of this process is covered under HOW YOU PROFIT). Furthermore, oil companies use of proxy buyers like Buzzico, allow them allow them to retain strategic privacy as well as reserve production cash. (see: WYOMING AND COLORADO—The demand for proxy buyers)
As a potential client with Buzzico, let me assure you that risk and value continue to be the driving force behind our strategic acquisition of oil and gas leases in Colorado and Wyoming. The value of our regions higher quality oil (with the frequent bonus of natural gas), lower cost of production due to “easy to drill" rock strata, and fully developed infrastructure to get hydrocarbons to production and market give it an economic advantage unsurpassed in the U.S..
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Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to request our full package of materials on how you can achieve a long term revenue stream through our strategic acquisition of Federal and State oil leases being offered at auction in Wyoming and Colorado.
Buzzico retains Robert C. Michael, California Registered Professional Geologist No. 3849, as an independent consultant for selection of nominated production drilling rights and preparation of geological reports.